Who is this a picture of?
Now walk back from your computer. Keep going.
Who is it now?
So. . .who is this a picture of?
The only person who really knows is the creator. . .
. . .The Creator.
This same lesson was taught much more powerfully to Ananias in the book of Acts, in the New Testament.
Ananias was told in Acts chapter 9 to go and find Saul and Heal him. The same Saul who "made havoc of the church", "committed them to prison" and was a witness the stoning of the Apostle Stephen.
This is what Ananias sees in Saul. "I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem. . .he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name."
Now take a step Back. This is what The Creator sees.
"Go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.
Ananias does as directed. Saul becomes Paul and serves numerous missions, writes much of the New Testament and eventually dies a martyr to the cause of Christ. All because one man saw what The Creator saw.
Perhaps when we see people and begin to make a judgement we should take a step back and ask and try to see what The Creator sees.
What a difference it would make if we all saw what the Creator sees, If I saw what The Creator saw.
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