Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just tolerance. . .or something more?

This world today seems obsessed with tolerance. Test it - do a google image search of the word "Tolerance". I did  and these were the first three images I found;

That's not a bad thing, but could we do, or be, better?

It's interesting that the word "Tolerance" is never used in the King James Version of the Bible. In fact the word "Tolerable" is only used as a way to show that some one's - or some city's - punishment may be more "tolerable" then another. (Matthew 11:22, 11:24, and others) Why is that? How could such an important idea be mentioned so little in this powerful and life changing book?

Is there another word that might better define what we are - or should be- trying to teach? Could it be that Tolerance is actually a characteristic, or attribute, of another much more powerful word?

The answer may be found in the study of some synonyms of Tolerance;  Patience, Sufferance, Forbearance. . .etc.
Is there one word that could encompass this list?

Paul from the Bible may provide us with the best answer in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 - "Charity suffereth long, and is kind, Charity envieth not . . . is not puffed up. . .is not easily provoked. . .thinketh no evil. .endureth all things. . ." 
Tolerance is an attribute of Charity.

What is Charity? It has many definitions; The true love of Christ, brotherly love, benevolent feeling, leniency in Judging others, the highest form of love, and so forth.

Does the world understand that? Try it, do a google image search - (But make sure safe search is on)

Here is the first one I found;

The second and third were pictures of scantily clad woman, the fourth was a bunch of hands.

Does the world understand Charity? The world seems to associate it more with women or the giving of money than what it truly is - The Christ like love of others.

Perhaps we should teach Tolerance with Charity, or better yet, teach Charity with Tolerance. It's not just about an attitude of tolerance toward others. it's about feeling and  developing  true Christ like love and compassion for those around you, no matter their color, class, race, height, size, sex, religion, political leanings, or sexual orientation.  Only then will ourselves, our families, neighborhoods, cities, nations and world become what they could and should.

Paul in Corinthians said;
 "though I have the gift of prophecy, and understanding all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity and I am nothing."

Perhaps this is the biggest problem we face. . .the time has come to change.

A lofty goal. But it begins with you. . .It begins with me


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