In the United States today there seems to be so much bitterness and anger directed at so many. Particularly during the election season, the very worst seems to come out in the general public (including...unfortunately...Christians). If one does not agree with the sitting president (or other person in power) they call names, post belittling pictures and anecdotes all the while comparing their policies to communism and the leader to nothing less than Hilter reincarnated.
Recently while reading a book published by Dallin H. Oaks titled "Life's Lessons learned" I came across this great quote from a chapter called, "Respect, Affection, and Policy";
"We should separate respect for a person’s position from our personal affection for that person and from agreement or disagreement with his or her policies. We have much to learn, even from our adversaries, and we are under the command of the Master love one another."
Oaks, Dallin H. (2011-11-01). Life's Lessons Learned (Kindle Locations 404-405). Deseret Book Company. Kindle Edition.
Wise counsel. Perhaps it is time to place this in practice in our own lives and in doing so maybe, just maybe, we can influence others to do the same.
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